Arizona Court of Appeals Division One Summary Judgment and Dismissal Against Attorney on Malicious Prosecution and Aiding and Abetting Complaint Reversed.
Arizona Court of Appeals Division Two Holds That: (1) a Notice of Claim for Wrongful Death Is Sufficient if It Sets Forth Any Facts Supporting the Amount Demanded; and (2) Government Entities Do Not Have a Duty to Identify Individuals Killed During High-Speed Pursuits.
Arizona Court ofAppeals Division One Holds that a Business that Meets the Definition of a “Retail Tobacco Store” Under A.R.S. § 36-601.01 Is Excepted from the Smoke-Free Arizona Act, Even if the Business Also Holds a Liquor License and Sells Alcohol on the Premises.
Arizona Court of Appeals Division Two Holds that an Independent Appraiser May Change His Opinion About a Property’s Value After He Has Issued an Initial Appraisal Report.
Arizona Court of Appeals Division Two Holds that Surety is Liable for Fiduciary Breach by Principal Resulting from Failure to Repay Funds Misappropriated from Estate Prior to the Inception of the Suretyship.