Arizona Supreme Court holds that post-redemption attorney fees and costs are recoverable when they are a direct and necessary result of the tax-lien redemption process.
Arizona Court of Appeals Division Two holds that a referendum petition must strictly comply with A.R.S. § 19-101(A) but may do so, despite inclusion of surplus information, if the surplusage does not alter the meaning or cause confusion, and A.R.S. § 19-121.02(A)(8) requires disqualification of all but one otherwise valid signature, rather than all but the first signature.
Arizona Supreme Court holds that tax revenues for the support and maintenance of existing government departments and institutions are exempt from the referendum process under the Arizona Constitution.
The Court of Appeals Division One holds hospital liable for abuse and neglect under the Adult Protective Services Act based on enterprise formed with exempt physicians.
Arizona Court of Appeals Division two holds that A.R.S. § 33-727(B) does not entitle lienholders with higher priority than the foreclosing lienholder to the excess proceeds generated by the junior lienholder’s foreclosure sale.