Arizona Court Of Appeals Division One Holds That Title Insurance Policy Specifically Excluded Coverage For Loss Resulting From Purchaser’s Failure To Pay Adequate Value For A Title At A Sheriff’s Sale.
Arizona Court of Appeals Division Two Holds That a Farmer’s Policy Did Not Provide Coverage To a Third Party Who Borrows a Rental Car From an Insured Individual and Then Causes an Accident.
Arizona Court of Appeals Division One Holds That Real Property Acquired During a Marriage Is Not a Community Asset If, at the Time the Property Was Acquired, One Spouse Executed an Enforceable Deed Disclaiming an Interest in the Property.
Arizona Court of Appeals Division Two Holds That Legal Malpractice Claims Are Generally Tort Claims; in the Non-Litigation Context, Such Claims Accrue When the Client Knows or Should Know That the Negligence Caused the Client Harm.
Arizona Court Of Appeals Division One Holds That AHCCCS is Permitted by the Federal Medicaid Program to Provide Coverage Only For Emergency Dental Services.